
Founded in 1978 by Rex Maughan, Forever Living Products manufactures and sells wellness and beauty products all around the world. Still privately owned, it’s more than a business – It’s a family.
Rex Maughan invited close family and friends to the first Forever Living Products meeting in Tempe, Arizona. There he unveiled a revolutionary and customized plan - offer the best consumable products to the public, products that are proven to promote lasting wellness and health, and let the products and the people who try them speak for themselves.
Forever Living Products has been dedicated to seeking out nature’s best sources for health and beauty and sharing them with the world. We have a passion for helping others look better and feel better, and pride that comes from doing things a little differently. We own our own aloe fields, manufacturing facilities, research and development, quality control laboratories and even our own distribution channels. Everything from plant to product to you.
Aloe is the lifeblood of Forever. Our aloe fields are where our journey begins and the best part? We own every part of the process to ensure quality at every step. Our products are developed using the latest technology and innovations. We invest in bringing you the best products on the market. There's only one way we do things and that's the right way! The Forever Way has always been centered around family and a priority to deliver the highest quality products to you.
Millions of people in over 160 countries have discovered the benefits of Forever’s aloe vera products to help them and their families look better and feel better. Use the map below to discover where Forever’s international business has grown over the last 45 years.